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PSYCH-K® is a method for rewriting the software of your mind as 95% of our actions and beliefs are automatically programmed in our subconscious mind.

PSYCH-K® enables changes at the level of your subconscious mind, where most of our beliefs are stored. By changing your limiting beliefs, you change your life on a mental, emotional and physical level. This treatment is a wonderful instrument to empower yourself to a life you want to live.

Past Life Therapy

Past Life Regression Therapy takes you back to prior life spans to understand yourself at a deeper level and release blockages holding you back in your present lifestyle. 

Infertility Support

Where you are, I was - and it hurts! Dealing with infertility can become one's worst night-mare. In my case, I even lost the sense of living, however, an inner journey started and the nightmare became my biggest blessing. Let me accompany you, sharing my shortcuts and lessons learnt on my way to motherhood.

I believe that every child has the right to understand how they were conceived so I have written stories for children to explain all these new forms of conception that exist nowadays, such as egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation, surrogacy, adoption, single Mum's by choice and two Dads. Some of these books can even be personalized as a gift for the child or family!


I also have written, I want to have a child, whatever it takes, an autobiography about my own infertility story to inspire adults in knowing that they are not alone on this journey. 


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