What started off as my worst nightmare,
became my biggest blessing
All I ever wanted was to be a Mum. After years of trying and numerous failed pregnancy attempts, I was in a dark place. I felt betrayed by my body and felt like I was not living my purpose.
Looking back now, I see that time as the biggest blessing in my life. It taught me that through the struggles there is wisdom and now I am blessed with the most beautiful daughter with whom I adopted.
During this time I turned to painting to release my frustrations and visions for the future, studied quantum healing and use that knowledge in my infertility therapy and gave lectures around the world on my story so that women know they are not alone on this journey. I also become an author of children's books to support families in teaching their children about different forms of conception and have written my own autobiography sharing my story. Through this difficult moment, so much wisdom was born.
Infertility is not a dead-end, it is merely a detour. The experience of infertility has changed me forever. Now, I dedicate my life to support women through these difficult times to find love, grounding and compassion and hope again on their quest for building a family.
Read more about my infertility journey in this blog post.

How fertility therapy can help you
Infertility is a medical condition that touches all aspects of your life. It may affect your relationships with others, your perspective on life, and how you feel about yourself. How you deal with these feelings will depend on your personality and life experiences. When considering infertility treatment options such as sperm, egg, or embryo donation or gestational carriers, it may be especially helpful to gain the assistance of infertility therapy to overcome emotions attached to this experience. My clients have used fertility PSYCH-K therapy to:
Overcome feelings of sadness, guilt or worthlessness
Begin to feel interested again in your usual activities and relationships
Heal from feelings of depression, anxiety and mood swings
Free yourself from being preoccupied with infertility
Support understanding martial problems
Reignite your sexuality
Eliminate any weight, substance abuse or sleep problems
We will go over your MIND, BODY and SPIRITUAL life. Help you get out of the depression and anxiety caused by infertility issues and help you return to health and peacefulness.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you have.
My journey to help others like me
by Carmen Martinez Jover
This is my story and how I lost sense of living. My journey took me to help others. I wanted my life's experience to be a short cut for others. This led me to write books, give international lectures and help women on this journey to motherhood.
by Carmen Martinez Jover
I really believe in storytelling it makes sharing so easy. I have written any children's stories to share with your child how your family was formed: Egg donation, sperm donation, two dads, single mum by choice. You can even personalise the stories and give the characters your names.