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12 week course

Cost: USD$ 390.-

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On Saturday, 4th June, I will start a 12 week course called:




During this 12 week course you will unlock your creative genius and design the life you’ve always dreamed of. 


We are living worldwide challenging situations.  So many changes going on.  Many times we have projects that for one or another reason we don't finish.  We seem to procrastinate and are full of excuses but in reality we are blocked.


We will be following Julia Cameron's book called the Artist Way, which is designed to eliminate blockages and obstacles on your path and REACH your goals.  I will add extra information each week to complete this amazing 12 week journey.


In this course you will:

  • Change limiting beliefs

  • Recuperate and rediscover forgotten talents

  • Finish any project, book, event, start a company, etc

  • Notice synchronicities in your projects

  • Notice how your project begins to flow

  • Believe in yourself

  • Overcome blockages

  • Overcome fears

  • Stop the negative criticism

  • Get to know yourself and be nice to yourself

  • Improve relationships with people with whom you interact

  • Remember what things make you smile.

  • And above all, you will learn to be happy and fulfilled loving whatever you decide to do


I have given this workshop many times.  I have seen many blocked artists, businessmen, entrepreneurs, musician reach their goals.  It is fun but it  also moves things deep with in us.  We face many inner child issues and let them go.  One of the beautiful thing is you see things in your life from another prospective, without judging, and the understanding heals.  You now have an opportunity of seeing things differently and choosing to let go of things you no longer need. 


I am proud to share how this course has been a turning point for many people.  You may see a few testimonials below. 


I look forward to accompanying you on this 12 week journey where at the end of this path you will feel happy and empowered in whatever you decide to do.


We will meet live at 10am central on Saturdays.  If you can’t come it will be recorded so you can see it afterwards. 




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12 week course

Cost: USD$ 390.-

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