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Past Life Regression Workshop
15th July from 10am to 1pm
at La Senda, Tamarindo
At my Past LIfe Regression Workshop you will
learn about:
the conscious and subconscious mind;
brain waves;
and understand how we access a past life.
You will first discover your learning skill as visual, auditive, kinesthetic to understand how will use perceive past life regression. You will then have the chance to go to a positive past life and experience the power of using this to heal your current life.
The workshop will be held next to the magical labyrinth at La Senda.
Tickets are US$50, spaces are limited so get in touch to secure your place.
Contact me on whatsapp +52 55 4522 7279
Join me at my
Past Life Regression Workshop
15th July from 10am to 1pm
at La Senda, Tamarindo
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